Based on the Hit U.K. Series The Driver, Esposito stars as Gracian “Gray” Parish, a family man and proud owner of a luxury car service in New Orleans. After his son is violently murdered and his busin...
“Hacks” explores a difficult mentorship between Deborah Vance (Jean Smart), an old-school Las Vegas comedian whose material is a bit passé, and the entitled, but ambitious 25-year-old writer (Hannah E...
澳大利亚男演员保罗·霍根([鳄鱼邓迪]系列)将出演新片[杰出的邓迪先生](The Very Excellent Mr Dundee,暂译)。迪恩·墨菲([查理和布茨])执导并担任制片。近年来鲜少在影视作品中亮相的保罗·霍根将在片中再度饰演著名的“邓迪先生”。影片下月在澳大利亚、洛杉矶、温哥华拍摄。...