A teenage delinquent befriends a surly magician who helps her navigate her inner demons and dysfunctional family with sleight of hand magic, in a coming-of-age comedy that touches on unlikely friendsh...
Naive, but brash and sultry teenage runaway Bonnie finds herself lost and adrift in America. The lovely young lass runs afoul of a colorful array of evil oddballs who all treat her like an object: vio...
男主人公特里普(帕特里克·德姆西 Patrick Dempsey饰)来到银行换钱,刚跟女柜员凯琳(艾什莉·贾德 Ashley Judd饰)搭上话,却悲催的碰到银行被打劫。银行保安系统开启,所有人都成了笼中之鸟。而更巧合的是居然有两伙抢劫犯。由此一段阴差阳错中展开的猫鼠大战拉开序幕。无辜的人质跟笨拙的劫匪间处处周旋,波澜中高潮不断。...
An eclectic band of misfits becomes an unlikely family as they take a wild journey in the name of love while on the run from an overzealous FBI duo who want them dead or alive - preferably dead....