It follows four American soldiers set out on the grueling ascent of an Italian mountainside in the closing days of WWII, haunted by their evil sergeant’s cold-blooded murder of a young woman and with ...
After a virus infected France, Belgium and the Netherlands a team of resistance soldiers trying to safe a young girl who seems to be their last hope for a cure....
西恩(瑞恩·菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 饰)是一个来自于小地方的穷小子,怀抱着梦想,他只身来到了纽约这座繁华而喧嚣的城市。在这里,一个名为“54俱乐部”的神秘组织吸引着他的注意,能够成为这个俱乐部中的一员是西恩梦寐以求的事情。54俱乐部位于曼哈顿城的54号街上,史帝夫(麦克·梅尔斯 Mike Myers 饰)是它的创始人。俱乐部中充斥着各种使人或是意乱情迷或是狂欢放纵的元素,人们来到这里...