U. C.0097时期,“拉普拉斯事变”的纷争终结后,2架独角兽高达被秘密封印,新吉翁残党“袖章”也随之瓦解。就在人类逐渐走出战争带来的阴影之时,失踪两年的独角兽三号机“凤凰”突然现身,拥有颠覆世界秩序力量的它即刻引发了地球联邦军、吉翁袖章残党以及路欧商会三方势力的争夺狩猎,一场宇宙对决也即将拉开帷幕.........
When the single middle-aged Luis travels from Barcelona to bury the remains of his mother in the vault of his family in Segovia, he is lodged by his aunt Pilar in her old house where he spent his summ...
It follows four American soldiers set out on the grueling ascent of an Italian mountainside in the closing days of WWII, haunted by their evil sergeant’s cold-blooded murder of a young woman and with ...