Based on the eponymously titled novel, this is the powerful real-life story of Lale Sokolov, a Jewish prisoner who was tasked with tattooing ID numbers on prisoners' arms in the Auschwitz-Birkenau con...
An accidental elevator jam at the office serves as pretext for Pig to dig into Violetta's life, who starts to uncover stories about her past that is still after her. Pig expresses his interest qiwan.c...
This is a mystical tale about a young girl named Mindy and her enchanted journey to find her lost pony. But this is not just any pony; this pony is said to have magical powers that will lead to the hi...
Virgin Almond makes a wager with his three roommates—Latte, Thanwa and Peak. If one of them manages to hook him up with his crush, he'll cover one year of their rent....
Kevin Hart - playing a version of himself - is on a death-defying quest to become an action star. And with a little help from John Travolta, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Josh Hartnett - he just might pull i...