Part historical fiction, part conspiracy thriller, “Manhunt” will take audiences into the aftermath of the first American presidential assassination and the fight to preserve and protect the ideals th...
The Garden Left Behind traces the relationship between Tina, a young transwoman, and Eliana, her grandmother, as they navigate Tina's transition and struggle to build a life for themselves as undocume...
黑帮老大艾迪•金策划了一起凶杀案,被偶然路过的年轻人西恩•琼斯(Nathan Phillips 饰)目击。为了在法庭上成功指控这个作恶多端的黑社会头子,警方派出资深联邦密探尼维利•费恩(Samuel L. Jackson 饰)负责保护西恩,并将其从夏威夷护送至洛杉矶法庭。为避免证人遇害,尼维利采取声东击西的策略,与西恩偷偷乘上一架普通的红眼航班。...
Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...