Following a horrific accident, a woman voluntarily becomes a test subject to an artificial intelligence designed to rehabilitate her. In a world dependent on machines, she learns not all technological...
Follows Nikki Parker after she joins the LAPD's Missing Person's Unit to help other people find their loved ones at the same time that she is looking for her missing son....
《未来全明星 All American》(前名《Spencer》)根据现实美式足球员Spencer Paysinger的生活改篇,这部April Blair执笔的美式足球题材剧讲述一位崛起﹑中南部洛杉矶出身的美式足球员被招揽到比佛利山高校,而康普顿及比佛利山的两个家庭将因为球场上的胜负而产生各种碰撞。...