For the first time ever, two junior Elves have to leave home after losing an entire town's letters to Santa. While attempting to blend into small town life, they set out to retrieve every missing wish...
Kaaliyan has a sister who marries a young man without the permission from Kaaliyan and moves to Kolkata with her husband , where she faces unknown threats. Soon her brother Kaaliyan comes to the rescu...
在这部剧集里,获得艾美奖的William H. Macy扮演有六个孩子的单身父亲Frank。他收入不高,整天酗酒,根本不管儿女们的死活,不到20岁的大女儿Fiona(Emmy Rossum)不得不承担起照顾五个弟妹以及养家糊口的责任。读高三的Philip(Jeremy Allen White扮演)绰号「Lip」,虽然到处惹是生非,但学习还算用功。班上出了名的小荡妇Karen(Laura Slade...