The untitled project will film in Nunavut and revolves around a young Inuk mother who wants to build a new future for herself. The problem? It won’t be easy in her small Arctic town where everyone kno...
Edmond Dantès is a 19-year-old sailor who was falsely accused of treason and is imprisoned without trial in the Château d’If, a grim island fortress off Marseille. After many years of captivity, he fi...
Following the events that unfolded in Kill ‘Em All (2017), the sequel will see Phillip (Van Damme) and Suzanne retired from the spy game, living peacefully off the grid. That’s until their whereabout ...
When a biker gang terrorizes Esperanza County, Enyo, a Texas Ranger, undercover as a bad-ass outlaw biker babe teams up with old Ezra, the blind-sniper hermit and his seeing-eye coyote, Max. They brin...
A Little League baseball team of misfits dedicate their season to a player's dying father. In doing so, they accomplish the impossible by reaching the World Series finals in a game that became an ESPN...