Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, ambi...
A small provincial town is buzzing with excitement: the town's most illustrious son, a world-famous opera singer, is coming home. Meanwhile, Sebastian, a kitchen boy who is as good as married, falls h...
英国老牌男生寄读学校。新学年开始了,低年级学生米克·特拉维斯(马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 Malcolm McDowell饰)和他的一群年轻朋友们整日心神不宁、无所事事。两位死党约翰尼(大卫·伍德 David Wood饰)和华莱士(理查德·沃里克 Richard Warwick饰)跟米克一起喝酒聊天,打发空虚而压抑的生活。一日,在观看橄榄球比赛后,米克与约翰尼偷偷溜出学校去咖啡馆和女招待调情嬉笑。此事让...