Neneh is a little 12-year-old black girl. Born to dance, she dreams of gaining entry to the Paris Opera ballet school. Despite her enthusiasm, she will need to work twice as hard to escape her conditi...
After a meteor falls to earth, 8-year-old Hung meets an alien girl from the planet Maika, searching for her lost friend. The alien helps Hung make new friends and heal a broken heart. But danger lurks...
Lonely teenager Mia gets hooked on the thrills of conjuring spirits through a ceramic hand, but when she is confronted by a soul claiming to be her dead mother, she unleashes a plague of supernatural ...
Set in a newly independent India, Jubilee is a fictional period drama that unveils the stories and dreams that gave birth to Bollywood, as we know it....
A private jet crashes into woodland outside London. Among the passengers is a former U.S. Ambassador. Thomas investigates the apparent suicide of a successful businessman, finding unexpected connectio...