An estranged father and son are brought together by a young crane named Karl as they trace a family of the birds on their migratory journey from Russia to Africa...
In the harsh, yet beautiful Australian outback lives a beast, an animal of staggering size, with a ruthless, driving need for blood and destruction. It cares for none, defends its territory with bruta...
维尼(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)、小猪(约翰·菲尔德 John Fiedler 配音)、猫头鹰(Andre Stojka 配音)、小兔(Ken Sansom 配音)和跳跳虎(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)等朋友们正聚在一起,布置它们的新家,然而跳跳虎总是淘气的跳来跳去惹出一堆麻烦,于是小兔建议跳跳虎先去找其他的跳跳虎一起玩。然而,跳跳虎从来没有见过其他的跳跳虎,...