Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...
A la mort de son père, Guillaume, commissaire de police, hérite du bowling familial. Il décide de le donner en gérance à son demi-frère répudié, Quentin. Le comportement pulsionnel de Quentin et son i...
The city of Thebes has come under the cruel domination of Sparta. Diomedes and several of his friends strive to throw off the Spartan yoke even while Diomedes romances Dorida, daughter of the Theban g...
日理万机的商界女强人玛格列特(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)精明强干,性感而极富活力。然而正值不惑之年的她,也同样面对着理想与现实、事业与家庭带给她的困惑和彷徨。40岁生日那天,玛格列特收到了一个来自老家的包裹,里面竟然是她七岁时写给未来自己的信。“亲爱的我:今天,我7岁生日,特别写封信给你,提醒你要记住,7岁时说过的承诺和我对将来的梦想……”