After some years of tension, Richard (Clive Owen) begins a sexual relationship with his sister Natalie (Saskia Reeves). Now married, the relationship proves dangerously obsessional. Their private inte...
A woman with borderline personality disorder struggles to escape from her emotional past in this disturbing portrait about mental illness. A box office smash in its native Quebec, this film tackles th...
此片曾经荣获第一届色情片影展(Erotic Film Festival)的最佳影片,被许多影评人推崇为影史上最好的色情电影。 虽然主流观众争睹色情电影的热潮已经衰退,但还是有一些导演坚持继续拍摄高质量的色情电影,拉德雷梅杰(Radley Metzger)在1975年导演的《贝多芬小姐的启蒙》(The Oening of Misty Beethoven)就是最好的例子。此片改编自萧伯纳的名剧「卖花钕...