When a generations- long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it's up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, and his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their rightful hom...
本剧根据英国同名剧集改编。 本剧主演 William H. Macy 曾获得艾美奖。 拥有有六个孩子的单身父亲 Frank(威廉姆·H·梅西 William H. Macy 饰)和孩子们生活在周围到处是酒鬼、乞丐和罪犯的最底层社区。他收入不高,整天酗酒,根本不管儿女们的死活,不到20岁的大女儿 Fiona(埃米·罗森 Emmy Rossum 饰)不得不承担起照顾五个弟妹以及养家糊口的责任。跨过宿醉...
孤单的小男孩Olive(艾奇·罗伯逊 饰),他觉得自己处处异于其他人。他很想要交朋友,于是他花很多时间在手机和平版上。当一个神秘的生物想要透过Oliver的手机和平板来进入我们的世界,Oliver的父母(吉莉安·雅各布斯 Gillia nJacobs、小约翰·加拉赫 John Gallagher Jr. 饰)必须挺身而出,将儿子从神秘生物的手中救出。...
In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will be disrupted by a methodical killer who seems to have d...
A dramatization of the romance and marriage of the McGuires, the 2007 murder of Bill, investigation and subsequent trial of Melanie, who dismembered and disposed of her husband's body in suitcases....