The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirren) and explores “the early 20th century, when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition an...
Faced with the responsibility to take care of her addict, veteran father, headstrong teen Mickey Peck keeps her household afloat. When she has the opportunity to leave for good, she must choose betwee...
1869年,一列驶往美国德克萨斯州科尔比镇的列车,羁押着即将被送往当地处决的杀人魔头卡文迪什(威廉·菲德内尔 William Fichtner 饰),未料途中卡文迪什在同伙的协助下逃脱。同在囚犯车箱内的印第安人杀手Tonto(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)和联邦检查官约翰·雷德(艾米•汉莫 Armie Hammer 饰)历经万险,侥幸逃生,谁知却被后者投入监牢。约翰身为骑警的老哥丹(詹...