Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play wi...
WRITERS RETREAT is a horror film written by Jeremy Sheldon & C.M. Taylor set on fictional Kilton Island where strangers come together to develop their writing. Mark Twain famously said: "Writ...
Mike and Angie Jones are determined to keep their seven-year-old daughter, Sophie, out of a demon’s hands.They will do everything in their power to make her safe and to bring an end to the turmoil the...
The series revolves around three friends who decide to embark on a journey, in which they will run into a stranger who will make their lives change completely....
Babi discovers a betrayal by her long-term partner and decides to embark on a new adventure in life. On this journey, she meets judge Marco and they begin to live a story permeated by a lot of sexual ...